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4 Arabic Words you should Know in Egypt

4 Arabic Words you should Know in Egypt

The mannerisms and speech patterns that are exclusive to Egyptians distinguish colloquial Arabic from other Arabic dialects.

If you choose Egypt as your travel location, learning a little Egyptian Arabic can go a long way and help you save money. Egyptians are renowned for being energetic and upbeat, which explains why.
With 110 million citizens, Egypt’s population is still expanding. Although just a small percentage of these people can speak English, an Egyptian who works in the tourism sector frequently finds himself bilingual in three or more languages.

If you decide to travel to Egypt, learning a little Egyptian Arabic can help you get by and save you money. Considering how energetic and upbeat Egyptians are, this seems sense.
With 110 million citizens, Egypt has a sizable and expanding population. An Egyptian working in the tourism sector frequently finds himself bilingual in three or more languages, despite the fact that only a small fraction of this people can communicate in English.


it means What does that cost? You will discover a lot of wonderful items that you have never seen before as you wander the streets of Egypt. So it might be quite beneficial to understand how to ask for the price of products. Say “Did you come?” for example if you are in Luxor and want to book a Hot Air Balloon flight with Paradise Balloon company, so you can ask the tour guide and say (Kame) for the Hot Air Balloon flight, then you will get the answer.


The “Mumkin” Egyptians are extremely kind and courteous. It’s crucial to be as cordial and accommodating as you can when asking for something because of this. So if you want to ask how “mumkin” translates “can,” learning to use “mumkim” will be very helpful. Thank you.


Egyptians from “Shokran” are incredibly gracious and friendly. A lot of people on the street will gladly abandon their jobs to give someone directions or provide them with basic necessities. Since Shokran in Arabic means “thank you,” learning it is crucial.

for example, you can say Shokarn to the Pilot of your Hot Air Balloon flight and the representative of the Paradise Balloon company after your Hot Air Balloon flight.

Ismak Eh?

Ask them their names and learn “Ismak eh” if you want to meet some truly cool Egyptians and get to know them a little better.

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